"How has travel/visa ban impacted strategic decisions of businesses?"

calender week

Tue Apr 27, 06:00 PDT - Tue Apr 27, 07:00 PDT

calender week


In March 2020, due to the unprecedented Covid-19 crisis, the USA had to impose Travel Ban/Visa restrictions on families and Business activities.

Over a year later, travels and exchanges with Foreign countries are still strictly limited.

How Businesses and Individuals have adapted their strategies and their needs?

Our speakers will talk about how companies and people have faced these challenges and identified new opportunities, learning lessons, and best business practices in communicating with their foreign partners.

- Isabelle Marcus - Founder and CEO at Columbus Consulting Group, will moderate our panel,

- Stan Ruszkowski - President at The Boxoffice Company, a subsidiary of the France-based media-technology,

-  Matthieu Soulé - Head of BNP Paribas C.Lab Americas,

- Antoine Elie - Co-founder and CEO Showroom Lab.

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